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Here are some answers to our most common questions.

Friday 29th - Sunday 31st August 2025!

Arrive from 5pm Friday, clean up finishing on Sunday at 2pm. 

We will be staying altogether at MiCamp in Taupō, a beautiful Christian Conference and Events Centre. 

Check them out here:

Click here.

Our time together will include fun activities in the evenings, age-relative programmes on Saturday morning, free time in the afternoon, family worship on Sunday morning.  

There are a different types of accommodation including bunk rooms and studio rooms. 

There are no single rooms available. Due to the number of attendees, those staying in rooms on site need to be prepared to share a room with others - this includes couples and families.   

If you have mobility requirements around you accommodation please include this information when you register.  We will endeavour to accommodate everyone appropriately.  

Absolutely.  You are more than welcome to bring your tent or caravan.  

Please note the price remains the same.  

MiCamp is catering all of our main meals.  

They can cater for Vegan/Vegetarian/Gluten Free/Dairy Free.  Any other dietary requirements will need to be self managed from what MiCamp do supply or be self catered.

If you have any kind of severe food ALLERGY (ie Celiac disease or Anaphylaxis), please include this information when you register.

  • Adults (18+) $160 (Earlybird up to 31st May) regular price $85
  • Youth (12-18) $90
  • Children (4-11) $60
  • Pre-School (0-3) $30

We understand that the registration cost for a weekend away can be out of reach for some, we don't want finance to be a barrier for anyone to attend camp.

Please contact Tabea to discuss further.  

  • Bedding – sleeping bag or sheets/blankets/duvets, pillows and a pillowcase, plus hot water bottles if you get cold. Portacots for young 'uns.
  • Towels
  • Toiletries and medication

  • First aid supplies for you and your family

  • Warm clothes (For kids: extra changes of clothes – just in case!)

  • Enclosed shoes for when doing kitchen duty

  • Rainy day gear (e.g. coat, umbrella and gumboots)

  • Torches

  • Bible, notebook and pen, and prayer book (if you have one)

  • Free time activities, for example: sports clothes for volleyball, tennis, basketball, board games, packs of cards, musical instruments for informal jam times, rugby balls, soccer balls, etc

  • Snacks for hungry kids (and adults!) NB: If your children require separate snacks other than those provided in the programmes, please bring this along in a named container and give to your children’s leaders.

  • Named water bottle - especially for children and youth
  • Ear plugs

    What not to bring:

  • Do not bring individual heaters

  • Do not bring alcohol or recreational drugs – these are not allowed on the property

  • Do not bring pets

  • Do not bring valuables – please leave valuables at home or keep them with you at all times

Yes, please bring your children and grandchildren. 

We will host a pre-school and (separate) school aged programme on Saturday morning.  There will be an optional activity in the afternoon during free time.

Yes and no.  

Most of MiCamp is accessible on wheels, and they have a number of accessible bathrooms.  However, please include any information about mobility restrictions when you register so we can accommodate you appropriately. 

The event will be run based on covid-19 conditions and government regulations at the time and in the event of cancellation or needing to isolate you will be fully reimbursed.

We would love to help.  Please contact Tabea.