We can’t wait to get together for our Parish Combined Service coming up at the end of October.
We are privileged to have Billy & Caleb back fresh from sabbatical and look forward to hearing from them at our service.
BBQ, afternoon tea & hot drinks provided (vegan & gf catered for).
Our Electoral General Meeting (EGM), is to vote in a new vestry.
Do take time to discern whether God may be inviting you onto our vestry for this next season. Please submit your nomination form to the Parish Office by Friday 13th October, a conversation will be arranged with Co-Vicars' Billy or Caleb. Nomination forms are available at each service and the Parish Office.
If you are new to the Parish and are not on the electoral roll, please fill in a form at the back of your church so you can vote on the day.
A supervised movie will be playing in the Upper Lounge during the EGM for children and youth.